Outhaul system on T track, for boats 42′-48′
Antal Outhaul vaunu T 32 kiskolle
perinteisiin puomeihin
This slider runs on self-lubricating HS fibre enabling it to deal with heavy work loads while remaining compact; it also provides low friction running and easy manoeuvring.
The sail connection, which is made of s.steel and revolves, reduces the height of the sail above the boom to a minimum
Standard T-Tracks, sizes 32×6 and 40×8, are used, with black anodized finish and 50 mm hole spacing.
The car runs on self-lubricating HS fibre and with hard black anodized track
Control Control 1:1
Car Length 130 mm
Track dimensions 32 x 6 mm
Boat length Boats 42′-48′
SWL 3000 kg