Selden CX15 CODE 0 rullalaite basic pack
Selden CX 15 code 0 rullalaite. Sisältää rummun ja ylä leikarin. Lisäksi tarvitaan antitorsion köysi etuliikin pituuden mukaan
Sopii alle 80m2 purjeille.
CX rullalaitetteesta voidaan tehdä myös Assymetrisen Top-Down rullalaite.
CX10, Code0 rullalaite basic pack The AT-cable is integrated in the luff of the sail and thimbles connect the luff to the drum and to the halyard swivel. Special Cable clamps are required to fit the thimbles to the Seldén AT-cable. A dedicated halyard for Code 0 is required and 2:1 purchase is recommended to obtain the required luff tension and to reduce the load on the halyard sheave and on the line stoppers. The drum and the furling line can be permanently mounted to the bow and along the stanchions.
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